GODS Aeolus - god of the winds Alecto - a Fury Charon - ferryman on the River Styx Cupid - god of love, son of Venus, half-brother of Aeneas Iris - goddess of the rainbow, messenger of Juno Juno - queen of the gods, wife and sister Jupiter Jupiter - king of gods and men Juturna - sister Turnus, made immortal after a love affair with Jupiter Mercury - god of speed, messenger of Jupiter, sometimes called son of Maia Neptune - god of the sea, brother of Jupiter and Juno Sybil - prophetess who lived in a cave, priestess of Apolio Venus - goddess of love and beauty, daughter of Jupiter, mother Aeneas
HUMANS Achates - faithful companion of Aeneas Aeneas - son of Venus and Anchises, leader of the Trojans Amata - wife of Latinus, queen of the Italians Anchises - father Aeneas, once the husband of Venus Andromache - widow of Hector, wife of Helenus, mother of Astyanax Anna - sister of Dido Ascanius (Iulus, Iulius) - Trojan son of Aeneas and Creusa Camilla - Italian warrior maiden; killed in battle with the Trojans Cassandra - daughter of Priam and Hecuba, always predicting truly but never believed Creusa - Trojan wife of Aeneas Dide (Elissa) - queen of Carthage Eurylass - Trojan hero, friend of Nisus who died with him Evander - Greek now ruling over an Italian kingdom, friend of Aeneas Hector - son of Priam and Hecuba, first husband of Andromache, greatest defender of Troy Hecuba - queen of Troy, wife of Priam Helenus - Trojan priest and prophet, second husband of Andromache Laocoon - priest of Troy Latinus - king of the Italians Lausus - son Mezentius, killed by Aeneas Lavinia - daughter of Latinus and Amata, future Italian wife of Aeneas Mezentius - Italian tyrant, killed by Aeneas Nisus - Trojan hero, friend of Euryalus who died with him Pallas - son Evander, killed by Turnus Priam - king of Troy, husband of Hecuba, father of Hector and Cassandra Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus) - son of Achilles, slayer of Priam Silvius - future Italian son of Aeneas and Lavinia Sinon - Greek fifth-columnist befriended by the Trojans Turnus - Italian prince, suitor of Lavinia, killed by Aeneas
NATIONAL NAMES Achaeans - Greeks Argives - Greeks Carthage - city in North Africa Danaans - Greeks Dardanian - Trojan Hesperia - Italy Ilium - Troy Latium - Italy Lavinium - Italy or a city to be founded in Italy Libya - North Africa Phrygian - Trojan Punic - Carthaginian Teucrians - Trojans