CLAS201 Classics Seminar:
Murder in Antonine Rome

Department of Classics

Monmouth College

Spring, 2014

NOTE:  This schedule will remain "in progress" throughout the semester. It will be modified as needed.
Students are advised to consult this schedule periodically for changes, modifications, and additions.

statue of Regilla from Olympia

Note: Reading Assignments in "Pomeroy" refer to The Murder of Regilla: a case of domestic violence in antiquity by Sarah B Pomeroy (Harvard University Press, 2009).
Jan. 14
Rome in the 2nd Century A.D
Timeline of Roman History
Jan. 16 Pomeroy Book Reviews and Introduction to Aspasia Annia Regilla
List of Reviews of Pomeroy's The Murder of Regilla
Read Sienkewicz' Review  (distributed electronically via email): This review was published in  Magill's Literary Annual 2008 (Salem Press), 495-499.
Evaluating book reviews  The Book Review
Writing a good book review: Literacy Education OnLine / UNC / LAVC / Purdue / RSU
Jan. 21 Reviews of Pomeroy
Team Book Reports: Treggiari Review (Kyle D. and Karina); Vout Review (Sam and Ariel); Holford-Stevens Review (Rebecca and Shawn); website reviews (Merissa)

Jan. 23 Plutarch on Marital Relations in Imperial Rome
Team Book Reports: All the Brief Reviews (Donavon and Gabbie)
Read: Pomeroy, Introduction
Quaestiones Romanae 108:*/E.html#108
Quaestiones Romanae 6 and 7:*/A.html#6
Jan. 28 Girlhood in Rome
Lawless Review (Kyle W.)
Plutarch's Consolation:*.html

Note: at 4:15 we will break for a lecture by a Classics Candidate: Joseph O'Neill, MC'01
Jan. 30 Herodes Atticus
Team Report on Herodes Atticus (Carina and Gabbie)
Rife, Joseph L. “The Burial of Herodes Atticus: Elite Identity, Urban Society, and Public Memory in Roman Greece,” The Journal of Hellenic Studies , Vol. 128, (2008) , pp. 92-127
Read Philostratus' Biography of Herodes Atticus (pp.139ff.; paragraphs 545-566; accessible in a number of formats)
Feb. 4 A Roman Matron in Imperial Athens
Team Reports: Pregnancy and Childbirth (Ariel and Rebecca), Everyday Life (the home, dress, etc.) (Merissa and Carina)
Note: at 4:15 we will break for a lecture by a Classics Candidate: Dr. Abram Ring
Feb. 6 Important People in the Antonine World
Team Reports:
Marcus Aurelius (Shawn and Sam), Fronto (Kyle D. and Merissa)
Fronto's Letters:
Note: at 4:15 we will break for a lecture by a Classics Candidate: Dr.
Robert Simmons
Feb. 11 Life in the Antonine Age
Team Reports: Burial Practices (Kyle D. and Gabbie), Childhood in the Antonine Age (especially for females) Ariel
Pomeroy, Chapter 1
Feb. 13 Life in the Antonine Age Cont.
Team Report: Lucian (Donavon and Sam)
Read: Pomeroy, Chapter 2
The Role of Women / Women's Daily Life in Ancient Rome / Being Female in Ancient Rome / Worlds of Roman Women
Feb. 18 Life in the Antonine Age Cont.
Team Report: Apuleius (Shawn and Kyle W)
Read: Pomeroy, Chapter 3
"Religious Thought in the Age of Hadrian" by Francis R. Walton in Numen , Vol. 4, Fasc. 3 (Sep., 1957) , pp. 165-170:"
Feb. 20 Important Places in Regilla's World
ausanias (Donavon)
Marathon, Olympia, Corinth, Delphi
"Herodes Atticus: An Essay on Education in the Antonine Age" by A. J. Papalas in History of Education Quarterly , Vol. 21, No. 2 (Summer, 1981) , pp. 171-188:
Feb. 25 Important Places in Regilla's World
Panathenaic Stadium (Rebecca and Kyle W.)

Roman Athens (Roman Agora, Hadrian's Library, Hadrian's Arch and Temple of Zeus
Panathenaic Stadium in Athens
Odeon of Herodes Atticus
Via Appia
Gleason, Maud W. "Making Space for Bicultural Identity: Herodes Atticus Commemorates Regilla" (Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, July 2008)
Feb. 27 Death in Athens and Murder Trial in Rome
Read: Pomeroy, Chapter 4
Ellen E. Perry. Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens , Vol. 70, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 2001) , pp. 461-492
Book Review of Pomeroy is due.
March 4 Regilla's Final Resting Place
Read: Pomeroy, Chapter 5
Tomb of Regilla

March 6 The Trial of Herodes Atticus
Note: The Post-Trial Paper is due before you leave for spring break.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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