CLAS200 Introduction to Classical Studies
Department of Classics, Monmouth College

Fall 2007
Schedule of Activities

Week 1 (Aug. 29)

Seminar Activities:
Introductions and discussion of the
Monmouth College Classics Dept. Mission Statement

Assignment: Why Study Classics?
1. Do a Google search for the phrase "Why Study Classics?" E-mail the page you like the best and e-mail the URL to the instructor. (First come, first served). You will summarize this page for the seminar next week and respond to it from your own personal point of view. 
2. Read Preface and Chapter 1 of
Standing assignment about Cicero: Ask yourself a question about this chapter or make an observation about it which you will share with the class orally and summarize in writing. 

Week 2 (Sept. 5)

Seminar Activities:
Reports on "Why Study Classics?". 

1. Write a 300-word statement on the topic "Why Study Classics?" These statements will be used to create our own Monmouth College statement.
2. Look at the sites listed/reviewed on "Some Useful Classical Websites" ( Choose one and evaluate its usefulness for you. Find one or two additional sites which you think should be added this list. Post this information on the seminar's Moodle.
3. Respond to at least two people's postings for #2 on the Moodle.
4. Familiarize yourself with the Library of Congress (LC) Subject headings
: Under what headings are Classics materials likely to be found? Bring a copy of this list to seminar next week.

Week 3 (Sept. 12)

Seminar Activities: Seminar meets in Hewes Library
Reports on
Web-Based Classical Resources, discussion of LC Subject Headings and tour of Classics Collection in Hewes Library

Assignment: Assignment: Classical Journals
1. Survey Classical Journals in the Periodical holdings in Hewes Library ( and on JStore ( Make two lists!
2. Choose one Classical journal (first-come, first served). What is the goal of this journal? What is its audience? Who publishes in this journal? Give two or three specific examples of recent articles published in this journal of particular interest to you. What are the submission guidelines.

. Read Chapter 1 of Cicero.

Week 4 (Sept. 19)

Seminar Activities
Discussion of  the Cicero resources from Hewes and
discussion of Cicero 1-2

Assignment: Print-Based Classical Resources
Find a Cicero-related print resource in the Hewes Library and report on it. Answer these questions about the book: What is the goal of this book? How well is this goal achieved? What is the book's audience? Highlight two or three special features of this book.
Read Chapters 2-3 of

Week 5 (Sept. 26)

Seminar Activities:
Discussion of the archaeology lecture, classical journals and Cicero 3-5

Assignment: Statement on Classical Research. Why Do Classicists Publish?
1. Read the American Philological Assn. Statement on Research ( 
Write your own summary of this statements and compose two questions or observations which you have about this statement .
3. Read Chapters 4-5 of
Attend archaeology lecture (Thursday, September 27, 2006 at 7:30 P.M. in the Morgan Room of Poling Hall). Include in your weekly statement a response to the following question: Why should Classics students be interested in archaeology?

Week 6 (Oct. 3)

Seminar Activities:
Discussions of classical research and Cicero 6-7

Assignment: How Do Classicists Publish?
1. Read "
Publishing a Scholarly Article in Classical Studies"
( and  "
Advice for Tiros: How to Find the Right Journal for your Work:"
2. A
pply these statement to something you have written.
Read Chapter 8-9 of

Week 7 (Oct. 10)

Seminar Activities:
Discussions of publishing, archaeology lecture and Cicero 8-9

Assignment: Geography and the Classics
What map resources are available for Classicists in Hewes and on-line? Make a list.
2. Geography and Cicero. Find a map and photograph of a place associated with Cicero's life: FORUM ROMANUM, Arpinum, Tusculum, Cilicia, Athens, Rhodes, Sicily (Lilybaeum), Thessalonika, Illyricum, Dyrrachium, Pharsalus, Palatine. Write a short history of this place. Also explain how this place is important in general and especially in Cicero's life.

. Read Chapter 10-11 of

Week 8 (Oct. 17)

Seminar Activities:
Writing a Good Book Review
Coin-Cleaning and Identification Session

Find a review of Cicero in a scholarly journal prepare a summary and response to this review. Here are some questions to answer: What is the author's view of this book? Why? Do you agree or disagree? Why? 
Some on-line reviews include (you can't choose these!):,1413,36%7E28%7E750028,00.html,1249,405024461,00.html  

Week 9 (Oct. 24)

Seminar Activities:
Discussion of Geography and Cicero 10-11

Assignment: History and Time Lines
1. Study the chronology found at and find one other timeline on the ancient world. (Some are available at Compare these two timelines. How are they similar? Different? Why?
2. Compare the time line for the life of Cicero in Everitt with that in a different resource. Ask the same questions.


Week 10 (Oct. 31

Seminar Activities:
Discussion of Time Lines

Assignment: Epigraphy and Reading Ancient Inscriptions
1. Read  Introduction to Greek and Latin epigraphy: an absolute beginners' guide
Links to Epigraphy and Palaeography Related Websites  / Written in Stone
3. Now write a statement explaining what epigraphy is and why a Classicist should know about it.

Week 11 (Nov. 7)

Seminar Activities:
Discussion of Epigraphical Matters and orientation to the Canopus Stone in Hewes

Assignment: Find out some further information about the world of the Canopus Stone and summarize it in your statement.

Week 12 (Nov. 14)  

Seminar Activities:
Discussion of Canopus Stone and tour of the Shields Collection

Assignment:  Art and Artifacts for the Classicist

Choose one artifact in the Shields Collection to present to the seminar next week.

Week 13 (No Class)
Week 14 (Nov. 28)

Seminar Activities:
Reports on Shields Collection

Assignment: Palaeography (handout)
The Archimedes Palimpsest

Look at Prof. Sienkewicz's CV ( and critique two CV’s on the web. Then find one which you think is good and one which you think is not. Use these to create a draft of your own resume.

Week 15 (Dec. 5)  

Seminar Activities:
Overview of Palaeography
Sharing of Resumes and discussion of the difference between a resume and a c.v.

1. Revise your resume
2. Find an M.A. or Ph.D Program in Classics which interests you and gather information about this program. See
Classical Programs survey (

Week 16 (Dec. 12)

Seminar Activities:
Reports on Classics Programs

1. Read Careers for Classicists and answer the question "How do you fit in?" Also:

2. Finish your course journal and include summary/overview of the seminar.

Exam Week

Class will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 19 at 6 P.M. at Prof. Sienkewicz' home (1103 East Second Avenue)

Seminar Activities:
Discussion of Careers for Classicists
Hand in your course journal.
3. R
eport on Seminar Overviews
3. Seminar Evaluation