2006 ACL Institute

Program Overview


Caveat: This program is tentative. All times and locations are subject to change and modification. If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections, please contact Tom Sienkewicz at toms@monm.edu.



      12:00-5:00 pm Walking Tour of Classical Philadelphia

      4:30-7:30 pm Dinner in Class of 1920 Commons (optional, $13.15)

 6:00 – 9:00 pm Pre-Institute Workshops


FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006

      7:30-9:00 am Breakfast in Class of 1920 Commons (optional, $6.35)

 8:00 – 11:00 am Pre-Institute Workshops Cont.

 8:30 – 11:30 am SummerLatin Philadelphia!

10:30 –  12 noon NCLG Meeting

     11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch in Class of 1920 Commons

       2:00 –  7:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

12:45 – 2:15 pm First Session of Papers and Workshops

12:45 – 1:15 pm Excellence Through Classics Committee meeting

      2:30 – 4:00 pm Second Session of Papers and Workshops

      4:00 –  4:15 Break

      4:15 – 5:15 pm Welcoming Plenary

      4:30-7:30 pm Dinner in Class of 1920 Commons

 6:30 – 8:00 pm Third Session of Papers and Workshops

 8:15 – 9:15 pm Plenary

 9:15 – 10:15 pm Welcoming Reception (Sheraton)



       7:30-9:00 am Breakfast in Class of 1920 Commons

  7:00 – 8:30 am NLE Advisory Committee Breakfast Meeting

  8:30 – 9:45 am ACL Council Meeting

       9:00 – 5:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

10:00 – 11:30 am Fourth Session of Papers and Workshops

     11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch in Class of 1920 Commons

     11:45 – 1:45 pm National Latin Exam Committee Working Lunch

12:45 – 2:15 pm Fifth Session of Papers and Workshops

  2:15 – 2:30 pm Break

  2:30 – 3:30 pm ACL/APA Joint Committee on the Classics in American Education

  2:30 – 3:30 pm Sixth Session of Papers and Workshops

  3:30 – 3:45 pm Break

  3:45–5:15 Plenary Session

  4:30-7:30 pm Dinner in Class of 1920 Commons

  7:00 – 9:00 pm Awards Program (in Museum)

  9:00 – 10:30 pm President’s Reception


SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006

      7:30-9:00 am Breakfast in Class of 1920 Commons

      8:15 – 9:15 am Seventh Session of Papers and Workshops

      9:00 – 3:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display  

      9:30 – 10:30 am  Eighth Session of Papers and Workshops

     10:45 – 12:00 am Ninth Session of Papers and Workshops

     11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch in Class of 1920 Commons

     11:30 –  1:00 pm Lunch for Organizational Delegates to the ACL  Council

       1:00 – 2:30 pm Tenth Session of Papers and Workshops

       2:45-3:45 National Junior Classical League Committee  Meeting

       2:45 – 3:45 pm Eleventh Session of Papers and Workshops

       4:00 – 5:00 pm Fora: Informal Discussions on Institute Themes.  Quo Vadimus?

       6:30 – 7:00 pm Reception

       7:00 – 9:00 pm Banquet

       9:00 – 10:30 pm Farewell Dessert Reception


Special Meetings


FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006

10:30 –  12 noon NCLG Meeting

     12:45-1:15 Excellence through Classics committee meeting



7:00 – 8:30 am NLE Advisory Committee Breakfast Meeting

8:30 – 9:45 am ACL Council Meeting

     11:45 – 1:45 pm National Latin Exam ComMittee Working Lunch

2:30 – 3:30 pm ACL/APA Joint Committee on the Classics in           American Education


SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006

      11:30 –  1:00 pm Lunch for Organizational Delegates to the ACL Council

   2:45-3:45 National Junior Classical League Committee Meeting


NOTE: All meeting Rooms mentioned by Name are in houston hall on the university of pennsylvania campus.



12:00 – 5:00 Walking Tour of Classical Philadelphia

See http://www.aclclassics.org/Institute/2006/WalkingTour.asp for more information.


4:30-7:30 pm Dinner in Class of 1920 Commons (optional, $13.15)


6:00 – 9:00 pm Pre-Institute Workshops


Session A Golkin

Breaking the Latin Sound Barrier

John Traupman, St. Joseph's University (traupman@mailhost.sju.edu)

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky (mmink2@uky.edu)


Session B    Franklin

Disce ut Doceas: Preparing to be a TA in Latin

Mark A. Thorne, University of Iowa (mark-thorne@uiowa.edu)

Jon Zarecki, Illinois State University (zevon4703@yahoo.com)

Ric Rader, Ohio State University (richarderader@hotmail.com)


Session C   Class of 1949 Auditorium

Quomodo Intelligens Es? A Multiple Intelligence Bag of Tricks for the Latin Classroom

Rickie Crown, Baker Demonstration School (rcrown@nl.edu)

Mary Joan Masello, Baker Demonstration School (mjmadmas@aol.com)

Nava Cohen, Decatur Classical School (nrscohen@yahoo.com)

Joe Davenport, Norwell Middle School (davenport@norwellschools.org)


Session D   LAB

Seeing is Believing: Making the Most of Digital Images

Julian Morgan, Derby Grammar School (julian@j-progs.com)


Session E   Bodek Lounge

Teaching AP Ovid

John Sarkissian, Youngstown State University (jesarkissian@ysu.edu)

Jo Greene, Westlake High School (lalage@worlnet.att.net)

John Klopacz, Castilleja School (klopacz@well.com)


Session F  Platt

Teacher Prep in the 21st Century: Envisioning a New Age of Latin Teachers

Ginny Lindzey, Porter Middle School (ginlindzey@lindzey.us)

Nancy Llewellyn, Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature (nel@latin.org)



FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006

7:30-9:00 am Breakfast in Class of 1920 Commons (optional, $6.35)


8:00 – 11:00 am Pre-Institute Workshops Cont.


Session A

Breaking the Latin Sound Barrier


Session B

Disce ut Doceas: Preparing to be a TA in Latin


Session C

Quomodo Intelligens Es? A Multiple Intelligence Bag of Tricks for the Latin Classroom


Session D

Seeing is Believing: Making the Most of Digital Images


Session E

Teaching AP Ovid


Session F

Teacher Prep in the 21st Century: Envisioning a New Age of Latin Teachers


8:30 – 11:30 am

LatinSummer Philadelphia!   (Hall of Flags with Balcony)

Kristen Boose, Thomas Dale High School (asstdirector@ascaniusyci.org)

Matthew Webb, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (magister@magisterwebb.com)


10:30 –  12:00 noon NCLG Meeting

Bishop White room


11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch in Class of 1920 Commons


12:00 –  7:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

12 Black Classicists: A Photographic Installation by Michelle Ronnick

Monstra Mihi Pecuniam: An Exhibit of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins used by Schools to Promote Classics (Ancient Coins for Education, Inc. www.bitsofhistory.com/ace/). See http://www.ancient-times.com/ace/wn/acl.htm.

Scavenger Hunt for Latin Inscriptions on the University of Pennsylvania campus and environs


12:45 – 2:15 pm First Session of Papers and Workshops


Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

The Actuality of Caesar - How to Read Caesar's Works in the Classroom

           Hans J. Gluecklich, University of Heidelberg, Germany (GlueHJ@aol.com)

Presider: Stan Iverson


Session B Bodek Lounge

Inspiring Homeschoolers via Classics Study

Eunice Au

A Creative Way to Reinstate Latin-Teacher Training at Your University

Daniel N. Erickson (daniel_erickson@und.nodak.edu)

A New Reader Workbook for Greek Mythology

Marianthe Colakis, The Covenant School (mcolakis@hotmail.com)

Presider: Jane Brinley


Session C  Franklin

Facing Reality: Do's and Don'ts of Establishing and Building a Successful Latin Program

Paul Weiss (hkkpcw@aol.com)

Presider: Anne Browning Nelson, Assumption College (abnelson@assumption.edu)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium (slide projector)

Roman Germany

Nancy Lister (nllister@aol.com)

Presider: Jean Alvares


Session E Golkin

LEGAMUS Transitional Readers

Sean Smith, Amherst Regional Middle School  (smiths1@arps.org)

LeaAnn A. Osburn, Barrington High School (Leaannbhs@aol.com)

Brian Tibbets, Monmouth-Roseville High School (btibbets@titans.k12.il.us)

Presider: Martha Davis, Temple University (madavis@temple.edu)


Session F Platt

Zero to Hero: How You Can Lose to the Romans and Still Get a Statue at Home

Gregory N. Daugherty, Cathy P. Daugherty, Hanover High School (cdaugherty@hanover.k12.va.us)

Presider: Mary Pendergraft


Session G (LAB)

Prima Lingua: A Preparatory Course for the Study of Foreign Languages

Margaret Roberts, Friends' Central School (magistraroberts@hotmail.com)

Colin Angevine, Dickinson College (colin@primalingua.net)

Presider: Rob Latousek


12:45-1:15 Excellence through Classics committee meeting

Class of 47


1:15-2:15 Elementary and Middle School Teachers' Forum, sponsored by ETC
All welcome.

Presider: Matthew Webb, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (magister@magisterwebb.com)


2:30 – 4:00 pm Second Session of Papers and Workshops


Session A Hall of Flags (CP, TV, VCR, etc.)

Expanding the Empire: Promoting Classics through Creative Outreach, Children's Workshops, a School Museum Model, & More

Sponsored by the National Committee for Latin and Greek

Zee Ann Poerio, St. Louise de Marillac School (zeepoerio@aol.com)

Barbara Bell, Clifton High School (bmbellmini@aol.com)

Presider: Peter Howard


Session B Bodek Lounge

Renewing Our Ranks: Strategies in Recruiting

Amy Schrepfer-Tarter, University of Arizona (Schrepfe@email.arizona.edu)

Ginny Lindzey, Porter Middle School (ginlindzey@lindzey.us)

Presider: Elizabeth Keitel, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (eek@classics.umass.edu)


Session C  Franklin

Minor Characters in the Aeneid: Some Suggestions for Teaching Them in Latin and English

            Donald Connor

Nec…Iuno usquam aberit: Aeneas' Final Act  

James K. Finn, The Hill School (JFINN@thehill.org)

See A Pattern?  A Pedagogical Shortcut to Vergil's Artistry

Deborah Pennell Ross

Teaching Roman History from Original Sources in Latin 3 or Pre-AP.

Howard Handler  (marzutra@aol.com)

Presider: Paul Properzio, Boston Latin Academy (pjpropertius@aol.com)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium (slide projector) only needs 60 minutes

Discovering Sources for Roman Military History

William Mayer, Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY (wmayer@hunter.cuny.edu)

Presider: John Sarkissian


Session E Golkin

Workshop on Reading Homeric Hexameter Aloud

Stephen Daitz (sgdaitz@aol.com)

Presider: Wilfred Major (wmajor@lsu.edu)


Session F Platt (needs only 60 minutes)

Incorporating the Study of Everyday Life in Rome into the Latin Curriculum

            Margaret A. Brucia, Temple University, Rome Campus (mabrucia@aol.com)

Gregory Daugherty, Randolph-Macon College (gdaugher@rmc.edu)                

Presider: Mary Sarah Van Dyke Konopka, The Episcopal Academy (konopka@ea1785.org)


Session G (LAB)

Wandering the Labyrinth: Art in the Latin Classroom

Ed DeHoratius (edehoratius@charter.net)

Presider: Julian Morgan


4:00 –  4:15 Break


4:15 – 5:15 pm Welcoming Plenary Hall of Flags (CP)

Welcoming Remarks:

      Joseph Farrell, the University of Pennsylvania (jfarrell@sas.upenn.edu)

 “New Tools and Old: Teaching Classics Today”

Peter Struck, the University of Pennsylvania (struck@sas.upenn.edu)


4:30 – 7:30 pm Dinner in Class of 1920 Commons


5:45 – 6:30 Open Forum for Middle School Teachers sponsored by the Committee on Middle School Latin

Class of 47
Rickie Crown, Baker Demonstration School (RCrown@nl.edu) and
Joe Davenport, Norwell Middle School (davenport@norwellschools.org)

Presider: Virginia Barrett (barrettcyp@aol.com)


6:30 – 8:00 pm Third Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

The Grammar-Translation Method:  New Steps in Latin

Lee T. Pearcy, The Episcopal Academy (lpearcy@ea1785.org)

Tim Kent, The Episcopal Academy (tkent@ea1785.org)

William MacArdle, The Episcopal Academy (macardle@ea1785.org)

Michelle Domondon, The Episcopal Academy (domondon@ea1785.org)

Mary Sarah Van Dyke Konopka, The Episcopal Academy (konopka@ea1785.org)

Presider: Gail Cooper, Academy of the New Church (Gail.Cooper@ancss.org)


Session B Bodek Lounge

Teacher Training Programs:  Meeting the Challenges of the New Century


              Elizabeth Keitel, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (eek@classics.umass.edu)

Latin Teacher Certification and More: Training Future Secondary School Teachers
Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY (rancona@hunter.cuny.edu)

Latin Teacher Training Initiatives at the University of Maryland
 Judith Hallett, University of Maryland (jeph@umd.edu)

Teacher Training in Canada: History and Outlook

             Margaret-Anne Gillis, Barrie Collegiate Central

Teacher Prep: New Ideas, New Approach
Ginny Lindsey, Porter Middle School  (ginlindzey@lindzey.us)

Presider: Sean Smith, Amherst Regional Middle School  (smiths1@arps.org)


Session C  Franklin

No Child Left Behind with the Help of Latin

Charles Myers, Harriton High School (cmyers@alumni.kenyon.edu)

Et al.

Presider: Martha Altieri, Woodbridge High School (convention@njcl.org)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium (slide projector)

Rome as the Latin Classroom: Problems and Perspectives

Paul Gareth Gwynne (paulgwynne@infinito.it)

Lions and Tigers and Bears: Latin Lessons from the Medieval Bestiary

Cynthia White (ckwhite@u.arizona.edu)

Seneca on Nero

Lyle Roebuck (lroebuck@elginacademy.org)

Presider: Jacob E. Nyenhuis, Hope College (Nyenhuis@hope.edu)


Session E Golkin

You Can Do It All!

Jeffrey Snow, Gilman School (jsnow@gilman.edu)

Austin Lasseter, Gilman School (alasseter@gilman.edu)

Presider: Sally Rieger


Session F Platt

From Zero to Greek: An Introduction to the Language for Everyone

Wilfred Major  (wmajor@lsu.edu)

Presider: Anna Hinkle, Sherman High School (ahinkle@shermanisd.net)


Session G Class of 1947
Informal Session for Reading Latin and Greek Aloud

Stephen Daitz (sgdaitz@aol.com)

The informal reading session has as its aim to give anyone who so desires the opportunity to read aloud a selection of Greek or Latin literature (maximum ca. 35 lines) before an interested and sympathetic audience. This session is not to be construed as a contest but rather as a friendly exchange of sounds and ideas among those interested in the effective oral performance of classical literature. If the reader so desires, listeners will offer constructive comments after the reading. All readers are asked to bring 30 copies of their selection as handouts. Auditors are also cordially welcome to this session.

Presider: Stephanie Pope (smpope@cox.net


8:30 – 9:30 pm Plenary in Sheraton Ballroom

Exploring Greek Mythology through Poetry and the Ancient Art of Mask-Making         

            Kate Hovey (www.katehovey.com)

Presider: Nancy Scoville, The Ensworth School (scovillen@ensworth.com)


9:30 – 10:30 pm Welcoming Reception (Sheraton)



       7:30-9:00 am Breakfast in Class of 1920 Commons

  7:00 – 8:30 am NLE Advisory Committee Breakfast Meeting

  8:30 – 9:45 am ACL Council Meeting


Hall of Flags

      9:00 – 5:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display

12 Black Classicists: A Photographic Installation by Michelle Ronnick

Monstra Mihi Pecuniam: An Exhibit of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins used by Schools to Promote Classics (Ancient Coins for Education, Inc. www.bitsofhistory.com/ace/). See http://www.ancient-times.com/ace/wn/acl.htm.

Scavenger Hunt for Latin Inscriptions on the University of Pennsylvania campus and environs


10:00 – 11:30 am Fourth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

Perspectives on Teaching and Promoting Ancient Greek

Michael Bales, Toronto French School (mbales@tfs.on.ca)

Alexis Landry, Episcopal High School (landrya@ehsbr.org)

Anna Hinkle, Sherman High School (ahinkle@shermanisd.net)

Wilfred E. Major, Louisiana State University (wmajor@lsu.edu)

Deborah Davies, Brooks School (DDavies@brooksschool.org)

Presider: Conrad Barrett (rconradbarrett@aol.com)


Session B Bodek Lounge no A/V

Workshop: Exploring Greek Mythology through Poetry and the Ancient Art of Mask-Making, by Kate Hovey (www.katehovey.com)

Presider: Marianthe Colakis, The Covenant School (mcolakis@hotmail.com)


Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD)

Learning Styles and the Latin Classroom

Ruth Breindel (rbreindel@yahoo.com)

Presider: Rickie Crown


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium

Report on the 2006 AP Vergil and Latin Literature Examinations

Kate Rabiteau, Educational Testing Service (krabiteau@ets.org)

Shelley Haley, Hamilton College (shaley@hamilton.edu)

John Sarkissian, Youngstown State University (johnsark@stratos.net)

Presider: C. Denise Brown


Session E Golkin

Cordoba: The City of the Three Philosophers

Mary Pendergraft (pender@wfu.edu)

The Accidental Textbook - Using Eutropius to Teach Ancient History

Jonathan Hansonbrook (jhansonbrook@yahoo.com)

Enriching Curriculum and Lessons through Archaeology and History Integration

Karin Suzadail (ksuzadail@ojrsd.com)

Suetonius’ Titus: The Emperor's New Space   

John Thorburn, Baylor University (John_Thorburn@baylor.edu)

Presider: Nancy Lister


Session F Platt

Dic Magister et Dicite Discipuli! Actually Speaking Latin in the Latin Classroom!

Matthew Webb, University of Massachusetts at Amherst (magister@magisterwebb.com)

Colloquimini nobiscum! Workshop on Basics of Oral Latin

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky (mmink2@uky.edu)

Presider: John Traupmann


11:00 -  2:00 pm Lunch in Class of 1920 Commons

Mensa Latina (11:45-12:30)

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky  (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky (mmink2@uky.edu)


      11:45 – 1:45 pm National Latin Exam Committee Working Lunch


12:45 – 2:15 pm Fifth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

Alternate Assessments for the Latin Classroom

David Volk, Fargo North High School (volkd@fargo.k12.nd.us)

Christine Conklin, Thomas Jefferson School of Science & Technology (constitution@njcl.org)

Ed Long, Clarksville High School (certamen@njcl.org)

Martha Altieri, Woodbridge High School (convention@njcl.org)

Jeremy Walker, Crown Point High School (pr@njcl.org)

Susan Marquis, Sumner Academy (creativearts@njcl.org)

Dobbie Vasquez, Menlo School (graphicarts@njcl.org)

Laura Long, Montgomery Central High School (academics@njcl.org)

Presider: Ric Rader, Ohio State University (richarderader@hotmail.com)


Session B Bodek Lounge

The New AP Latin Literature Cicero Syllabus

Shelley Haley, Hamilton College (shaley@hamilton.edu)

James K. Finn, The Hill School (JFINN@thehill.org)

Presider: Donna Winstanley


Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD) + slide projector

From Inanna to Demeter and Persephone

Conrad Barrett (rconradbarrett@aol.com)       

Latin in Terra Australis - an Upside Down Experience

Gail Cunningham (gail_cunningham@barker.nsw.edu.au)       

Using Pompeii in the Classroom

Blair Gormley, Woodbridge High School/George Mason University

Presider: Lou Bolchazy


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium (CP needed)

Introducing Roman Women in the Latin Classroom (CAAS Sponsored Workshop)

Ann Raia, The College of New Rochelle (araia@cnr.edu)

Judith Lynn Sebesta, The University of South Dakota (jlsebesta@usd.edu)

Chris Ann Matteo, The Edmund Burke School (chrisann_matteo@eburke.org)

Presider: Barbara McManus, The College of New Rochelle (bmcman@optonline.net)


Session E Golkin

Reading Strategies for All Levels of Latin

Susan Jerkatis (susanjerkatis@grcss.org)

Presider: Amy Schrepfer-Tarter, University of Arizona (Schrepfe@email.arizona.edu)


Session F Platt

Open Forum on Testing Latin in the High School Curriculum

Joan Jahnige (jjahnige@ket.org)

Presider: Jack Dutra, Miami University


Session G Class of 1947

Fun with Minimus:  A Demonstration Lesson with Students from Dunbar School, Philadelphia.  

Barbara Bell (bmbellmini@aol.com)     

Presider: George Morris (esolgeorge@aol.com)


2:15 – 2:30 pm Break


2:30 – 3:30 pm ACL/APA Joint Committee on the Classics in   American Education 

Bishop White Room


2:30 – 3:30 pm Sixth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP) note: this session does not need CP

Open Forum on Developing Greek Programs

Wilfred Major

Presider: Deborah Davies


Session B Bodek Lounge

The Cambridge Latin Course: Building a Strong Language Foundation

Mary Louise Baez, Cambridge University Press (mbaez@cambridge.org)

Fiona Kelly, Cambridge University Press (fkelly@cambridge.org)

Presider: Tamara Bauer (Tambauer@aol.com)


Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD)

Using “Seinfeld” as a 21st Century Connection to Ancient Rome

Edward Podsiadlik, Chicago Public Schools (edpodsiadlik@yahoo.com)

Joyce Allen, Chicago Public Schools (joyceallen@sbcglobal.net)

Presider: Rose Williams (rwill627@cox.net)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium (CP)

Let's Read a Story and Really Learn Latin at the Same Time!

Caroline Switzer Kelly, Covenant Day School (caroline.kelly@earthlink.net)

Gail Cooper, Academy of the New Church (Gail.Cooper@ancss.org)

Presider: Marie Bolchazy (mbolchazy@bolchazy.com)


Session E Golkin

Humor in the Latin Classroom

Joan Jahnige (jjahnige@ket.org)

Presider: John Klopacz


Session F Platt

Ecce Romani Teacher Sharing Workshop

Shirley Lowe, Emerita, Wayland (Mass.) Middle School (sfglowe@fastmail.fm)

Presider: Ginny Lindsey


Session G  (in Museum)

A Classical Scavenger Hunt Workshop at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Stephanie Pope (smpope@cox.net

Presider: Cathy P. Daugherty


3:30 – 3:45 pm Break

3:45–5:15 Plenary Session  Hall of Flags (CP)

Presidential Panel: Going Global: The State of Classics in Europe --The Case for Cooperation

Part I: State of Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation in the UK

          Bob Lister, The University of Cambridge Faculty of Education (RLL20@cam.ac.uk)

Part II: State of Latin and Greek in Germany and Austria

          Hans J. Gluecklich, University of Heidelberg, Germany (GlueHJ@aol.com)

Part III: State of Latin and Greek  in the Scandinavian Countries

          Per Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (pmr@hum.ku.dk)

Part IV: State of Latin and Greek throughout Europe

          John Bulwer, European School, Brussels Belgium (fa257553@skynet.be)
Presider: Kenneth Kitchell (kkitchel@classics.umass.edu)


4:30-7:30 pm Dinner in Class of 1920 Commons


7:00 – 9:00 pm Awards Program and Presidential Address: “Where the Wild Things Are:  Status, Cheetahs, and the U Penn Museum”

Kenneth Kitchell


9:00 – 10:30 pm President’s Reception

Reception in University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology with open access to Classical galleries


SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006

      7:30-9:00 am Breakfast in Class of 1920 Commons


      8:15 – 9:15 am Seventh Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

Legimus, Scribimus, Cantamus (and sometimes Ludimus): A Model for Primary Latin

Nava Cohen

Presider: Nancy Llewellyn, Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature (nel@latin.org)


Session B Bodek Lounge  (CP)

Making the Connection: Middle School Students and Authentic Assessment

Abigail Braddock (abroddock@gmail.com)

Presider: Joe Davenport


Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD)

Improving Translation Skills at All Levels

Stacey Kenkeremath (Stacey.kenkeremath@aps.k12.va.us)

Presider: Shelley Haley


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium

I Love Grammar!

Part I: There's a Parsing Party and Everyone's Invited
            Catherine Colegrove, Canterbury School (ccolegrove@canterburyschool.org)
Part II: Totum Responsum Corporeum

Bruce Colegrove, Canterbury School (bcolegrove@canterburyschool.org)

Presider: David Volk


Session E Golkin

More than Etymology  

Michael Johnson, Buffalo State University (johnsom@buffalostate.edu)

Presider: Susan Marquis, Sumner Academy (creativearts@njcl.org)


Session F Platt (needs only 60 minutes)

Local Area Considerations: The Lifeline of Latin in Gwinnett County, GA

Keith Toda (kttoda@hotmail.com)

Presider: Kathy Elfrits (kelifrits@netzero.net)


       9:00 – 3:00 pm Teaching Materials and Book Display  

12 Black Classicists: A Photographic Installation by Michelle Ronnick

Monstra Mihi Pecuniam: An Exhibit of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins. See http://www.ancient-times.com/ace/wn/acl.htm.

Scavenger Hunt for Latin Inscriptions on the University of Pennsylvania campus and environs


     9:30 – 10:30  am Eighth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

Movie Magic in the Latin Classroom    

Alexis Landry (landrya@ehsbr.org)

Presider: Ed DeHoratius (edehoratius@charter.net)


Session B Bodek Lounge  (CP)

What are Those Barbaroi Saying?: Teaching Ancient Greek with Other Foreign Languages

Kristina Chew, Saint Peter's College, kchew@spc.edu

Looking at Latin: An Innovative Grammar for Pre-College      

Anna Andresian

The Janus Approach to Early Latin Teaching

Rose Williams (rwill627@cox.net)

Presider: Jean Alvares, Montclair State University (alvaresj@mail.montclair.edu)


Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD)

Teaching Latin and the U.S. Constitution to Second Language Students: Developing Educated Citizens of the 21st Century

E.N. Genovese, San Diego State University (genovese@mail.sdsu.edu)

Presider: Mary Joan Masello, Baker Demonstration School (mjmadmas@aol.com)                                


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium

The 2006 National Latin Exam and Forum Romanum

Mark Keith (pallanteum@adelphia.net)

Betty Merrill

Sally Davis (saldavis@comcast.net)

Jane Hall, National Latin Exam (jhhall@kaballero.com)

Presider: Brian Tibbets, Monmouth-Roseville High School (btibbets@titans.k12.il.us)


Session E Golkin

Latin Oral Reading: From Page to Performance

Michael Bales, Toronto French School (mbales@tfs.on.ca)

Presider: James K. Finn, The Hill School (JFINN@thehill.org)


Session F Platt (needs only 60 minutes)

Latin for the New Millenium: A New Latin Introductory Series

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky  (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky (mmink2@uky.edu)

Lea Ann Osburn, Bolchazy Carducci Publishers (Leaannbhs@aol.com)

Presider: Lee T. Pearcy (lpearcy@ea1785.org)


10:45-12:00 Ninth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

The Vesuvius Project: Exploring Roman Culture in the Latin Classroom

Valentina DeNardis

Roman Biography and Building Project

Donal Spence McGay

Vergil in VRoma:  The Aeneid and the City of Rome

            Barbara F. McManus, The College of New Rochelle (bmcman@optonline.net)

Ecce, Discimus!

Nancy Snyder Irons, Reading Memorial High School (nsnyder9@aol.com)

Amanda White, Reading Memorial High School (amanda_working@yahoo.com)

Presider: Jon Zarecki, Illinois State University (zevon4703@yahoo.com)


Session B Bodek Lounge  (CP)

Afraid of Archaeology? Don't Throw in the Trowel

Janet Brock, Barrington High School (BrockJ@bpsmail.org)

Joan Tomaszewski, St. Mary's Bayview Academy (joantomaszewski@earthlink.net)

Your Community's Youngest Scholars: Hook Them on Classics!

Kristen Boose (asstdirector@ascaniusyci.org)

Presider: Barbara Bell, Clifton High School (bmbellmini@aol.com)

Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD)

Greeks and Romans Unite! How to Create Your Own Classics Day in Your School Community

Christopher Wilcox (cwilcox@springside.org)

Presider: Sherwin Little (Sherwin.Little@ih.k12.oh.us)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium

Strategies for Helping Students Figure Out New Grammatical Concepts

Donna Winstanley, Fairfax High School (dwinstan@gmail.com)

C. Denise Brown, Fairfax County Public Schools (denise.brown@fcps.edu)

William H. Lee, Tom C. Clark High School (williamlee@nisd.net)

Presider: Deborah Pennell Ross


Session E Golkin

Multisensory Learning in the Advanced Latin Classroom

Marianthe Colakis, The Covenant School (mcolakis@hotmail.com)

Alana Lukes, Paul VI Catholic High School (latinamagistra@rocketmail.com)

Karen Villareal, Aledo High School (lynx4@mindspring.com)

Justin Schwamm, Massey Hill Classical High School (jschwamm@earthlink.net)

Presider: Patricia Lister


Session F Platt  11:00-11:30

Colloquimini nobiscum! Workshop on Basics of Oral Latin

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky (mmink2@uky.edu)

Presider: John Traupmann


11:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch in Class of 1920 Commons

Mensa Latina (11:45-12:30)

Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky  (terence.tunberg@gmail.com)

Milena Minkova, University of Kentucky (mmink2@uky.edu)


     11:30 – 1:00 pm Lunch for Organizational Delegates to the ACL    Council


     1:00 – 2:30 pm Tenth Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP+DVD)

Planning a Preposterous Play Production of Plautus' Pot of Gold with Puberty Aged Players

Kyle Smith (kyles@thewillows.org)

Presider: Jeremy Walker


Session B Bodek Lounge  (CP)

Latin Prose Composition as a Fun, Creative, and Differentiated Activity

John Piazza (jpatpiazza@yahoo.com)

Presider: Alana Lukes


Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD)

How Total Immersion Latin Can Promote Your JHS/HS Program Bringing Latin Learning into the 21st Century with Total Immersion Latin

           Kay Reyes, Hewitt-Trussville High School, Birmingham, AL. (latinlives@hotmail.com)

Presider: Sally Davis (saldavis@comcast.net)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium

Teaching Alexander

Jean Alvares, Montclair State University (alvaresj@mail.montclair.edu)

Presider: Donald Connor


Session E Golkin (CD)

From Scaffolding to Independence: Cambridge Latin Course as Preparation for AP Study
Mary Louise Baez (mbaez@cambridge.org)

Presider: John Thorburn, Baylor University (John_Thorburn@baylor.edu)


Session F  Platt

Ars Longa, Tempus Breve:  Making the Most of Student Projects

Patricia Lister (phlister@cox.net)

Open Forum on the SAT Subject Latin Exam

            Kate Rabiteau (krabiteau@ETS.ORG)
Presider: Mark Keith (pallanteum@adelphia.net)


Session G Class of 1947
Tracing the Links between Latin and Modern Spanish through Early Spanish Texts: an Inductive Approach to the Study of Both Languages

Scott Ritter Hadley (scott@siu.buap.mx)

Starting a Minimus Latin Club in Public Elementary Schools

Chris Ann Matteo (cmatteo@eburke.org)

The New Face of Classics: A 21st-Century Urban Program     

Paul Properzio, Boston Latin Academy (pjpropertius@aol.com)

Presider: Michael Johnson, Buffalo State University (johnsom@buffalostate.edu)

2:45 – 3:45 pm National Junior Classical League Committee      Meeting
Bishop White Room


2:45 – 3:45 pm Eleventh Session of Papers and Workshops

Session A Hall of Flags (CP)

CIRCE: a Classics and ICT Resource Course for Europe

Julian Morgan (julian@j-progs.com)

Presider: Shirley Lowe, Emerita, Wayland (Mass.) Middle School (sfglowe@fastmail.fm)


Session B Bodek Lounge (CP)

A Humanities Approach to Latin: 3rd Edition of Latin via Ovid

Norma W. Goldman, Wayne State University (normawyngold@wayne.edu)

Jacob E. Nyenhuis, Hope College (Nyenhuis@hope.edu)

Preston Shea, computer programmer (darkshadow1@metrocast.net)

Presider: Daniel N. Erickson (daniel_erickson@und.nodak.edu)


Session C  Franklin (TV/VCR/DVD)

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Market-ing Your Program

William Jennings, Convent of the Sacred Heart Elementary School Schools of the Sacred Heart (william.jennings@gmail.com)

Mary Blum, Stuart Hall for Boys (mblum@sacredsf.org)

Discover Languages: National Campaign to Build Public Support for Languages

Marty Abbott, ACTFL (mabbott@actfl.org)

Presider: Nava Cohen, Decatur Classical School (nrscohen@yahoo.com)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium

Teaching the New AP Cicero Curriculum

Sally Rieger, National Cathedral School for Girls (srieger@cathedral.org)

Jane Brinley, Saint Anselm's Abbey (jbrinley@saintanselms.org)

Presider: Mary English


Session E Golkin

Greek Teacher Sharing Workshop

Max Gabrielson of Wilton High School, Wilton, Connecticut (GABRIMAX@optonline.net)

Presider: Alexis Landry


Session F Platt

Plus Ultra: Promoting Latin Beyond Our Circle

George Morris (esolgeorge@aol.com)

Presider: Kirsten Boose (asstdirector@ascaniusyci.org)


4:00 – 5:00 pm Fora: Informal Discussions on Institute Themes.                                                 Quo Vadimus?

The focus of these fora is informal discussion of the Institute themes. Presenters who addressed these themes are requested to attend the appropriate session. Participants are asked to submit a written report to the ACL Newsletter.


Session A Hall of Flags

Teaching Latin to Non-Traditional Students/Audiences


Kristen Boose, Thomas Dale High School (asstdirector@ascaniusyci.org)

Zee Ann Poerio, St. Louise de Marillac School (zeepoerio@aol.com)


Session B Bodek Lounge

The Influence of Latin on Other Languages


            Scott Ritter Hadley (scott@siu.buap.mx)

            Kristina Chew (kchew@spc.edu)


Session C  Franklin

Using Archaeology and Ancient History in the Latin Classroom


            Karin Suzadail (ksuzadail@ojrsd.com)

William Mayer, Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY(wmayer@hunter.cuny.edu)


Session D Class of 49 Auditorium

Teaching Latin and Teaching Ancient Greek
            Mark A. Thorne, University of Iowa (mark-thorne@uiowa.edu)

            Michael Bales, Toronto French School (mbales@tfs.on.ca)


Session E Golkin

Promoting Latin Programs in the School and the Community


            Chris Ann Matteo (cmatteo@eburke.org)

Jeremy Walker (jmwalker@cps.k12.in.us)


Session F Platt

Teacher Certification and the Shortage of Latin Teachers


            Elizabeth Keitel (eek@classics.umass.edu)

            Ginny Lindzey (ginlindzey@lindzey.us)



     6:30 – 7:00 pm Reception

     7:00 – 9:00 pm Banquet

       9:00 – 10:30 pm Farewell Dessert Reception