Monmouth College:
Spring 2017, First Half
CLAS 224-01, Word Elements—Latin, .5
TH 12:30-1:45, WH 204
Dr. Wine, office WH 19, x2341; office hours:
Th 11:45-12:15, MW 3-3:15, or by appointment or happenstance
Course Description:
The aim of this course is for you to understand English
words better and to increase your English vocabulary by studying how words are
formed, learning Latin elements in English words, and improving dictionary
Class Format:
This course
requires effort and participation on a daily basis. You are expected to keep up
with class assignments, and to volunteer and participate in class activities.
Diagnostic examinations will be administered twice, once at
the beginning and again at the end of the course. While your performance on this
examination cannot affect your grade negatively, improved scores on the second
exam can have a positive effect on your final grade.
The final average is based on 200 daily homework points,
400 points for quizzes, 100 points for daily participation and diagnostic exams,
and 300 points for the final exam.
Daily homework assignments will be collected and graded. Late homework
assignments receive half credit. Quizzes may be made up within two weeks for
half credit, unless the student has more than three unexcused absences. Extra
points on all quizzes compensate for reduced credit on make-up quizzes if the
original quiz was missed for an excused absence. Quizzes taken on time may be
corrected for half credit on points lost.
Attendance is necessary for class participation. A
student with more than three unexcused absences will drop one grade point on the
final semester grade for each unexcused absence over three. Make-up work is not
offered for unexcused absences over three. Excused absences are notified by
Student Services or other instructors. Students are responsible for consulting
with other students for notes for what they missed.
Grading scale:
A (100-91), B (90-80), C (79-68), D (67-57).
Donald Ayers’
English Words from Latin and Greek Elements, 2nd edition (The
University of Arizona Press 1986)
and access to a good dictionary with etymologies given in
the word entries (American Heritage
and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate
Dictionary are both good.)
The following schedule shows when material will be covered and dates for
quizzes. The instructor may make
modifications announced in class, however, as necessary, based on class needs
and preferences; it is the student’s responsibility to be aware of changes made
in class.
Week 1
Tue, Jan 17.
diagnostic exam
Thu, Jan 19. Latin
I and II exercises
Week 2
Tue, Jan 24.
Latin III and IV exercises
Thu, Jan 26. Quiz
(1-4); Latin V exercises
Week 3
Tue, Jan 31. Latin
VI and VII exercises
Thu, Feb 2. Latin
VIII and IX exercises
Week 4
Tue, Feb 7. Quiz
(5-9); Latin X exercises
Thu, Feb 9. Latin
XI and XII exercises
Week 5
Tue, Feb 14.
Latin XIII and XIV exercises
Thu, Feb 16. Quiz
(10-14); Latin XV exercises
Week 6
Tue, Feb 21.
Latin XVI and XVII exercises
Thu, Feb 23. Latin
XVIII and XIX exercises
Week 7
Tue, Feb 28.
Quiz (15-19); Latin XX exercises
Thu, Mar 2.
Latin XXI and XXII exercises
Fri, Mar 3.
Take-home Exam Due
Course Engagement Expectations
This course is scheduled to meet 2 days per week for 75 minutes for
half a semester. You should expect to spend on course reading,
homework and assignments approximately three hours outside of class
for every hour in class. Assigned activities may take each student a
different amount of time to finish, but the weekly average for all
students in the course should be 10 hours. Further estimates
In class activities
2.5 hours
Regular reading hours
4.0 hours
Review of class materials and class preparation
3.5 hours
Average per week
10.0 hours |
Academic Honesty:
Students in this course are encouraged to do their homework together. All other
classwork, especially quizzes and exams, must be the student's own work.
Plagiarism, i.e., copying someone else's work without giving credit, is to be
avoided. Such copying--from a book, another classmate's paper, or any other
source--is dishonest.
At Monmouth College we view academic
dishonesty as a threat to the integrity and intellectual mission of our
institution. Any breach of the academic honesty policy – either intentionally or
unintentionally - will be taken seriously and may result not only in failure in
the course, but in suspension or expulsion from the college. It is each
student’s responsibility to read, understand and comply with the general
academic honesty policy at Monmouth College, as defined in the Scots Guide (
and to the specific guidelines for
each course, as elaborated on the professor’s syllabus.
The following areas are examples of violations of the academic honesty policy:
1. Cheating on tests, labs, etc;
2. Plagiarism, i.e., using the words, ideas, writing, or work of another without
giving appropriate credit;
3. Improper collaboration between students, i.e., not doing one’s own work on
outside assignments unspecified as group projects by the instructor;
4. Submitting work previously submitted in another course, without previous
authorization by the instructor.
(This list is not intended to be exhaustive.)
Writing Center:
The Monmouth College Writing Center
offers unlimited, free peer tutoring sessions for students at MC. Peer writing
tutors work with writers from any major, of any writing ability, on any type of
writing assignment, and at any stage of their writing processes, from planning
to drafting to revising to editing. The Writing Center is located on the 3rd
floor of the Mellinger Teaching and Learning Center, and is open Sunday-Thursday
7-10pm and Monday-Thursday 3-5pm on a first-come, first-served basis. No
appointment necessary! Visit the website
for more information.
Teaching & Learning Center (TLC):
The Teaching and Learning Center
offers various resources to assist Monmouth students with their academic
success. All programs are FREE to Monmouth students and are here to help you
excel academically. Our services are not just for struggling students, but
designed to assist all students to get better grades, learn stronger
study skills, and be able to academically manage your time here. Visit them at
the 2nd floor of Poling Hall from 8am-4:30pm or on line at
They can also be reached at:
or 309-457-2257. They want to help you – it’s COOL to get the help early!
Disability Support Services:
Monmouth College wants to help all students be
as academically successful as possible. It is the goal of Monmouth College to
accommodate students with disabilities pursuant to federal law, state law, and
the college’s commitment to equal educational opportunity. Any student with a
disability who needs an accommodation should speak with the Teaching and
Learning Center. The Teaching and Learning Center is located on the 2nd
floor of Poling Hall, 309-457-2257, or